Enterprise Digitalization Service

Enterprise Digitalization Service

Digital transformation is an irresistible trend. Some far-sighted companies will work on making new strategies to keep pace with the times, while those companies which don’t do so, may never fit in. Companies are faced with an exponential increase in the amount of digitization options, with no single sign of slowing down. Meanwhile, digitization is threatening company’s existing market status and completely changes the odds for a company to succeed in the market. Therefore, every enterprise executive is faced with a key question: Are we fully prepared to embrace the challenges brought about by digitalization? We are going to assist enterprises in changing their current circumstance to adapt to their own rules. Many companies are dealing with the new situation from inside out. However, if digital transformation is your purpose, then this is far from enough. To help companies to see clearly where they are going, we encourage companies to raise appropriate questions and take bold initiatives, i.e. complete digitization. Forget your competitors. Now it is time to focus on your clients.

Enterprise Digital Transformation Consulting Service

The real challenge in digitization does not lie in mastering digital technology. Instead, in order to transform a company into a mature digitalized organization, the executives of enterprises must create necessary conditions and culture. New technologies have already provided dozens of solutions for companies to cater to target market. Besides, today’s tech-savvy customers also expect you to catch up with the digital trend. To remain competitive, enterprises in all industries need to satisfy customers’ demands for more responsive, efficient, and innovative services. The digital influential measures designed by us will bring maximum improvement to your performance in the new digital world. We know how to identify essential changes and how to make these changes happen, which are of equal importance. Our consultants are specialists, who are capable of giving specific guidance in every stage of company digital transformation, from developing company’s digitization vision and strategy, to making mission statement, planning investment schedule, setting innovation goal, even redesigning organizational structure. We will help you put your clients in the center of your goal.

IT planning and governance IT planning and governance

IT planning and governance

We diagnose, analyze, evaluate company’s management and IT development situation, with the guidance of company’s strategic goal and based on an understanding of company’s strategic goal and business planning. Company’s business process can also be optimized in this way. By combining the practical experience about IT in involved industry and the knowledge about the latest information technology developing trend, company’s IT development vision, goal and strategy can all be set, and IT system architecture can be built, and logical relationships between all units in information system can be identified, too. Besides, the specific information system’s frame design, model selection and implementation plan can also be defined with this method.

New Technology Incubation New Technology Incubation

New Technology Incubation

We provide capital and technology incubations to small and medium-sized entrepreneurial enterprises involved in technologies or business scenarios below: business-side AI application and practice, smart city and its correlative, Wise Information Technology of 120 (WIT120) and its correlative, intelligent manufacturing and its correlative, block chain and its correlative, etc.